Confrontations Europe
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Youth Employment: Can Europe Help?
In the context of growing Euroscepticism and dissatisfaction towards the European project and political sphere, Confrontations Europe met with young adults in Hauts-de-France, none of whom regularly discuss European issues, in order to give them the opportunity to interact with political decision-makers through a series of three meetings, a public conference, and video interviews.
Proposals relating to the professional integration of young adults and European initiatives were developed from the accounts of the participants, partners, and the think tank Confrontations Europe. This is the summary of the resulting document published in December 2016.
The partners of the project are ADICE, Afev, Agence Erasmus+ France/Education Formation, Alliance emploi, the CFA régional Saint Louis, the CFDT Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the Hauts-de-France Regional Council, the CRIJ Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the École de la deuxième chance Grand Lille, the Fondation Hippocrène, the Institut Nicolas Barré, the Jeunes Européens-Lille Métropole, the French Ministry of European Affairs, the Mission locale de Lille, the Petits Débrouillards, the Representation of the European Commission in France, and the city of Lille.