Confrontations Europe
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Professional integration and social Europe
- Harmonise social standards (minimum wage, welfare, statutory working time, etc.) and taxation (corporate tax) across Europe to reduce inequality between workers and prevent social and fiscal dumping between Member States.
- . Realign education and training programmes with labour market realities and employer expectations, for example by increasing the share of practical experience in relation to theoretical knowledge
- Recognise the value of vocational courses and apprenticeships, especially in areas where there is a shortage of labour
- Make unpaid work experience illegal
- Increase the value of charity work/volunteering in the eyes of recruiters by developing national and European volunteer programmes (civic service schemes, European voluntary service, European solidarity corps, etc.).
Asylum and immigration
- Develop an EU-coordinated asylum and immigration policy under which asylum seekers are distributed fairly and equitably between the Member States, given that the Dublin Regulation is not working.
- Increase access to state education for minor asylum seekers, bearing in mind that in some EU Member States the children of asylum seekers are not always provided with schooling.
- Give adult asylum seekers access to training and apprenticeship centres.
- Implement a reception policy that preserves the dignity of migrants, complies with human rights standards and ensures decent living and hygiene conditions in camps and holding centres.
- . Give special attention to the situation of unaccompanied minors, particularly their safety, accommodation and education.
- Improve and simplify asylum application and granting procedures.
- Organise opportunities for discussion and dialogue between migrants and local populations to increase mutual understanding and facilitate the cultural and social integration of the newcomers.
Regional and international mobility
- Extend the Erasmus+ programme to include not only universities but also apprenticeship and vocational training centres
- Improve access to training in rural and outlying areas, for example by organising guidance forums (training, careers, mobility, etc.)..
- Increase the number of foreign language courses taught in schools.
- Diversify and increase the range of mobility grants available to allow more young people to take part in international exchanges, including internships and apprenticeships.
Democracy and values of the European Union
- Promote a stronger sense of European identity and citizenship, and thus make (young) people want to vote in European elections.
- Teach European civics in primary and secondary schools in every Member State so that citizens understand how the EU works and what its values are, and are familiar with the history of European integration.
- Create an independent European media organisation that is accessible in all the Member States and in all EU languages.
- Enforce compliance with the EU’s democratic standards and values, not only for candidate countries but also for existing Member States, and impose strong sanctions against countries that break the rules.
- Organise awareness campaigns to prevent discrimination against certain minorities and nationalities.
- In the Balkans in particular, promote regional economic, democratic and cultural cooperation in parallel to the EU accession process (Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, etc.).