How do we relate to Europe after the British referendum ? Conference 28 November

Confrontations Europe

We are glad to invite you to our next European conference, organized in partnership with the French Economic, social and environmental council, on :

How do we relate to Europe after the British referendum ?

Monday, the 28th of November, from 2:00pm to 8:00pm

at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council

9 Place d’Iéna, Paris

With Philippe HERZOG, founding president of Confrontations Europe and Marcel GRIGNARD, president, the debate will focus on the three following issues:

– Europe is at risk of disintegration today, whereas we have never been so interdependent. What the UK referendum has shown is not just a British problem. Do we still feel we share a common European destiny?

– Economic development requires sharing, investing together. What are we ready to share within the Eurozone, on the Internal Market?

– In a context of rising euroscepticism, xenophobia and growing public distrust, our civil society appears to be in crisis. How could a form of participative democracy enable European citizens to participate in the renovation of representative democracy? What role for civil societies in Europe?

Debates will be translated in both English and French.

To register, please follow the link (closing date : Thursday, the 24th of November) :

Supported in part by a grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the OSIFE of the Open Society Foundations.

Best regards,
Confrontations Europe’s team.

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